March 16

The Importance of Running Technique for Preventing Injuries


As a runner, you know that injuries can be one of the biggest challenges to achieving your fitness goals. Whether you're dealing with a nagging pain or a more serious issue that sidelines you for weeks or even months, injuries can be frustrating and demoralizing.

However, by focusing on your running technique and working with a coach to improve it, you can greatly reduce your risk of injury and stay on track to meet your goals. 

In this post, we'll explore the benefits of running technique for preventing injuries and keeping you healthy and active.

How does technique coaching prevent injury?

One of the biggest benefits of working with a running technique coach is that they can help you identify and correct issues in your form that could be contributing to your risk of injury. For example, if you tend to over stride or land too heavily on your heels, you could be putting undue stress on your joints and increasing your risk of knee or ankle injuries. A coach can help you learn to take shorter, quicker steps and land more lightly on the midfoot, reducing impact and protecting your body.

How it helps us identify weaknesses so we can then prescribe exercises to strengthen

In addition to identifying form issues, a coach can also help you pinpoint weaknesses in your muscles and range of motion that could be contributing to your injury risk. By assessing your running form and looking at your history of injuries, they can prescribe exercises and stretches to help you build strength and flexibility where you need it most. For example, if you tend to struggle with IT band syndrome, your coach may recommend exercises to strengthen your glutes and hips and stretches to improve your hip flexibility.

How a small fault in your running technique can lead to a long term injury

Finally, it's important to remember that even small issues in your running form can have a big impact on your injury risk over time. Something as seemingly minor as running with your arms held too tightly to your body or your head tilted forward could lead to imbalances and overuse injuries if left unaddressed. By working with a coach to refine your technique and address these small faults, you can reduce your risk of chronic injuries and stay healthy and active for years to come.

In conclusion, improving your running technique is one of the most effective ways to prevent injuries and stay on track towards your fitness goals. By working with a coach to refine your form and address any weaknesses or imbalances, you can reduce your risk of injury and stay healthy and active for years to come. So whether you're a seasoned runner or just getting started, consider investing in your technique and reaping the benefits of a healthy, injury-free running career.


Injury Prevention, Progressing your Running

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