March 16

How you can use running technique drills to improve your running speed and fitness


Are you looking for a way to improve your running fitness and speed? 

While traditional training methods, such as interval training and long runs, can be effective, incorporating running technique drills into your routine can take your performance to the next level. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of running technique drills and how they can help you become a better, more efficient runner.

What are running technique drills?

Running technique drills are exercises designed to help you improve your running form and efficiency. These drills are typically short and focus on specific aspects of your technique, such as stride length, cadence, and arm swing. By practicing these drills regularly, you can improve your running technique, which can help you run faster and more efficiently.

The Benefits of Running Technique Drills

  1. Improved Running Efficiency: One of the main benefits of running technique drills is improved running efficiency. By focusing on proper technique and form, you can conserve energy and use your muscles more efficiently. This can help you run faster with less effort and prevent injuries caused by inefficient running form.

  2. Increased Speed: Running technique drills can also help you increase your speed. By improving your stride length, cadence, and arm swing, you can cover more ground with each stride and run at a faster pace. This can help you achieve your goals and set new personal bests.

  3. Better Overall Fitness: Running technique drills can also help you improve your overall fitness. These drills challenge your body in new ways, helping you build strength, endurance, and flexibility. By incorporating running technique drills into your routine, you can become a stronger, fitter runner.

How to Incorporate Running Technique Drills into Your Training

To incorporate running technique drills into your training, start by choosing a few drills that focus on specific aspects of your technique. Some common drills include high knees, butt kicks, and skips. Incorporate these drills into your warm-up routine before your regular run or try doing them on separate days for extra practice.

To make the most of running technique drills, focus on proper form and technique. Start with slow, controlled movements and gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable with the exercises. Be consistent with your practice and aim to do these drills at least once or twice a week to see real improvements in your running form and performance.

In conclusion, running technique drills can be an effective way to improve your running fitness and speed. By focusing on proper technique and form, you can become a more efficient and effective runner. So why not give running technique drills a try and see how they can help you achieve your goals?


Avoid Running Plataeus, Injury Prevention, Progressing your Running, Running Faster, Running Technique

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